Ekadashi Kab Hai

See when is Ekadashi in 2023 and in which month is it. If you want to get all the information related to Ekadashi Tithi, read this article carefully because here, I have tried to give complete information in fewer words.

Ekadashi Kab Hai

What is Ekadashi?

A prominent Hindu holiday known as Ekadashi is commemorated on the 11th day of the lunar fortnight. On this day, followers of Lord Vishnu, revered as the keeper of the cosmos, hold a fast and offer prayers to him.

In Hinduism, the Ekadashi vart is among the most significant and auspicious fasts. Keeping this fast might have spiritual advantages and aid one in achieving salvation. It is also said that observing this vrat might aid in purging oneself of faults and bad karma.

Different cultures mark Ekadashi in various ways; some maintain a whole fast, while others refrain from eating certain items. Some devotees also engage in ritualistic activities and give special prayers on this day. In general, Ekadashi is a day of significant importance to Hindus and is seen as a potent tool for spiritual cleansing and elevation.

Ekadashi Calendar 2023

Ekadashi Calendar 2023

Month Date Ekadashi
January 7 Pausha Putrada Ekadashi
January 22 Shattila Ekadashi
February 6 Jaya Ekadashi
February 21 Vijaya Ekadashi
March 8 Amalaki Ekadashi
March 23 Papamochani Ekadashi
April 7 Kamada Ekadashi
April 22 Varuthini Ekadashi
May 7 Mohini Ekadashi
May 7 Mohini Ekadashi
May 22 Apara Ekadashi
June 5 Nirjala Ekadashi
June 21 Yogini Ekadashi
July 5 Devshayani Ekadashi
July 20 Kamika Ekadashi
August 03 Shravana Putrada Ekadashi
August 3 Shravana Putrada Ekadashi
August 18 Aja Ekadashi
September 2 Parivartini Ekadashi
September 16 Indira Ekadashi
October 2 Papankusha Ekadashi
October 16 Rama Ekadashi
November 1 Devutthana Ekadashi
November 15 Utpanna Ekadashi
December 1 Mokshada Ekadashi
December 15 Saphala Ekadashi

The Value of the Ekadashi fast

Here are a few explanations for the Value of Ekadashi Vrat:

  • Spiritual Purification: This Vrat promotes spiritual development by purifying the body and mind. Fasting improves attention and meditation skills on Ekadashi by assisting with mind and sensory control.
  • Health Benefits: Fasting provides a number of health benefits, such as detoxification, weight loss, and improved digestion. The Ekadashi Vrat may provide similar benefits and aid in preventing illnesses.
  • Karma Eradication: According to Hindu philosophy, all actions, whether good or bad, have consequences. One may clear their past karma and ensure a better future by observing the Ekadashi Vrat.
  • Faithfulness: God Vishnu is the object of a great deal of devotion since he protects the universe and is revered by millions of people. It is believed that keeping the Ekadashi Vrat is a devotional deed to God Vishnu and would gain his favor.
  • Religious Tradition: Hindus have celebrated Ekadashi Vrat for many years, and it is an important part of their religious heritage. One may maintain their connection to their culture and lineage by keeping this observance.

In conclusion, Ekadashi Vrat is a well-known Hindu festival with advantages for the soul, body, and mind. It maintains a link with Hindu tradition and culture and is a gesture of devotion to God Vishnu.

Names of all Ekadashis

  • Vaishakh: Varuthini Ekadashi, Mohini Ekadashi
  • Magh: Shattila Ekadashi, Jaya / Bhaimi Ekadashi
  • Falgun: Vijaya Ekadashi, Amalaki / Rangbharni / Kunj / Khatu Ekadashi
  • Chaitra: Papmochani Ekadashi, Kamda Ekadashi
  • Elder: Apara / Achala Ekadashi, Pandava Nirjala / Rukmani-Haran Ekadashi
  • Ashada: Yogini Ekadashi, Devshayani Ekadashi
  • Ashwin: Indira Ekadashi, Papankusha Ekadashi
  • Kartik: Rama Ekadashi, Devotthan / Prabodhini Ekadashi
  • Margashirsha: Utpanna Ekadashi, Mokshada Ekadashi
  • More: Padmini / Kamala / Purushottami Ekadashi, Parama Ekadashi
  • Shravan: Kamika Ekadashi, Putrada / Pavitra Ekadashi
  • Bhadrapada: Aja / Annada Ekadashi, Parivartani / Parshva / Vaman Ekadashi
  • Pausha: Safla Ekadashi, Pausha Putrada / Pavitra / Vaikuntha Ekadashi

Rituals and Practices

There are certain standard observances that the majority of devotees adhere to, even though the rites and practices connected with Ekadashi vary across various Hindu sects.

Devotees get up early on this day and take showers. They then pray to God Vishnu and keep fast by forgoing food and liquids for the day. Additionally, some adherents abstain from eating particular foods, including grains, and vegetables.

They devote themselves to daily religious pursuits, including reading texts, reciting mantras, and participating in puja ceremonies. Additionally, many followers go to temples and worship God Vishnu specifically.

The fast is broken by ingesting essential vegetarian cuisine the next day, known as Dwadashi. After that, food and other gifts are given to the underprivileged and needy.

Ekadashi rites and practices are meant to cleanse the body and mind, increase devotion to God, and seek benefits and spiritual development.

Papamochani Ekadashi Vrat Katha

Brahma ji personally told Narad ji the narrative of the Papmochani Ekadashi Vrat. According to mythology, there was a magnificent forest called Chitraratha in ancient times. Devraj Indra used to wander around this forest with the Gandharva females and goddesses. Medhavi, the son of Rishi Chyavan, was once conducting penance in the wilderness for Lord Shiva.

At that moment, an Apsara called Manjughosha, who was passing by, saw Medhavi and became intrigued by her. Manjughosha tried countless times to catch Medhavi in the web of his affection. Kamdev also assisted Apsara with this. Rishi Medhavi, who became immersed in longing for austerity, lost control of his thoughts and was drawn to the beauty and dancing of Manjughosha.

Ekadashi Vrat Katha

He turned away from Shiva’s love. Rati was so immersed in sports for 57 years with Medhavi Manjughosha. One day, Manjughosha asked Medhavi for permission to return to Devlok, and the sage realised that he had abandoned Shiva’s devotion because of Apsara. They cursed him because they saw him as the perpetrator of this horrific crime. Medhavi, enraged, cursed Manjughosha to become a vampire. Apsara saw her error and began apologising to Medhavi.

He asked Medhavi how he might atone for this transgression and then requested him to fast on Papmochani. Manjughosha’s sins were wiped by the splendour of the Papmochani fast, and she proceeded to Devlok after being released from her demonic form. At the same time, the meritorious had grown boring as a result of being preoccupied with work and athletics. Then he observed the Papmochani vrat, resulting in his being cleansed of sins.

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Ekadashi Calendar 2024

Date Day Ekadashi Type
7th January Monday Saphala Ekadashi
22nd January Tuesday Pausha Putrada Ekadashi
6th February Wednesday Shattila Ekadashi
21st February Thursday Jaya Ekadashi
7th March Thursday Vijaya Ekadashi
22nd March Friday Amalaki Ekadashi
5th April Saturday Papmochani Ekadashi
21st April Sunday Kamada Ekadashi
5th May Sunday Varuthini Ekadashi
20th May Monday Mohini Ekadashi
4th June Tuesday Apara Ekadashi
19th June Wednesday Nirjala Ekadashi
9th July Ashadha Devshayani Ekadashi
23rd July Ashadha Kamika Ekadashi
8th August Shravana Shravana Putrada Ekadashi
22nd August Shravana Aja Ekadashi
6th September Bhadrapada Parivartini Ekadashi
21st September Bhadrapada Indira Ekadashi
6th October Sunday Indira Ekadashi
21st October Monday Padmini Ekadashi
20th November Wednesday Rama Ekadashi
6th December Friday Mokshada Ekadashi
22nd December Sunday Saphala Ekadashi


Finally, on the 11th day of the lunar fortnight, believers fast and pray to Lord Vishnu. The value of Ekadashi is multifarious, encompassing spiritual cleansing, removing previous karma, and receiving heavenly benefits. A Hindu calendar year has 24 Ekadashi days, each with its name and importance. The rites and practises linked with Ekadashi may change across groups and people, but the basic principle remains the same – pursuing spiritual advancement and growth. Millions of followers throughout the globe mark Ekadashi with tremendous dedication and passion.