Is your Husband Cheating? What to do before Confronting Him

Husband cheating | Even if you suspect your husband is cheating, it’s not wise to confront him straight away. Whether you want to repair your relationship or get alimony through divorce, it is important to gather solid evidence of infidelity before any discussions take place.

Is your Husband Cheating? What to do

Even if you confront your partner about infidelity before you have any solid evidence of the affair, they will likely evade or evade the question.

In severe cases, your spouse may become angry and threaten divorce.

If you have evidence of infidelity, you can force your spouse to break up with the other person and repair your marriage, or you can get a divorce and receive compensation.

When trying to get your partner to break up with their cheating partner, if you give them the choice of either paying compensation or breaking up with them and promising never to cheat again, in most cases they will choose to break up.

In my case, this helped me get my husband to break up with his lover and get back together.

If you divorce, you can claim or increase alimony if you have solid evidence. You can also obtain custody of your children.

For this reason, it is important to first prepare evidence of infidelity before discussing the matter.

What is definitive evidence of infidelity? | Husband cheating

For example, the following does not qualify as conclusive evidence:

  • LINE and email with cheating partner
  • Hotel receipt
  • A photo of you walking with your cheating partner

The LINE messages and emails sent to the cheating partner are covered up by excuses such as “I was just messing around with an acquaintance” or “I was replying to a spam email as a prank.”

The hotel receipt may state that you stayed alone or that you stayed for work.

Also, if you post a photo of your partner walking with their lover, they can just say, “I was walking with someone from work” or “I was just walking with an acquaintance,” and that’s the end of it.

So what kind of solid evidence would be? Photos of the scene of the two of you entering a hotel room with your cheating partner, and photos of you coming out.

Such photographs are the most crucial evidence in court.

Photographs of your partner entering or leaving not only hotels, but also their lover’s home or your own home will also be accepted as evidence.

It is nearly impossible to take such photos on your own. Therefore, most people hire a detective agency that specializes in infidelity investigations to take conclusive photos of the scene.

This detective agency is said to be skilled in infidelity investigations .

The famous Haraichi Detective Agency has a reputation within the industry for its strengths in infidelity investigations, and is often referred by lawyers to take photographs of evidence.

My husband might be cheating

There are actually a surprising number of people who are worried about suspecting their husbands cheating. For example, are you worried about the following?

  • I suddenly started caring about my appearance and my taste in clothing changed.
  • He left his smartphone behind, so I brought it back to him, but he got really angry.
  • Recently, I noticed that my husband’s smartphone wasn’t working, and it turned out that his LINE notifications were turned off.
  • He started asking me detailed questions about my plans for the holidays.
  • Our nightlife has almost completely disappeared

If your husband is exhibiting any of the above behaviors, they may be signs of cheating.

If you worry about something alone without talking to anyone, you may not be able to stop thinking about it and it may lead to mental illness.

If you leave your partner cheating unchecked, it can become irreversible. | Husband cheating

  • The relationship with the cheating partner becomes so deep that it is impossible to turn back
  • Suspecting infidelity can cause tension and damage your relationship
  • I’m so worried about my husband’s infidelity that I can’t concentrate on my work and I make a lot of mistakes
  • I get irritated and I treat my children harshly
  • My husband is giving money to his lover and the family fortune is decreasing

Many men cheat due to a momentary lapse in judgment.

However, if you ignore your partner’s cheating, it will continue and you will end up worrying endlessly.

If they suddenly get serious and start preparing for divorce in secret, it will be too late.

If you have evidence of infidelity, it will be easier to take action.

If you have solid evidence that your husband is cheating ( Husband Cheating ), it will be easier to take measures afterwards. Whether you decide to divorce or reconcile, having solid evidence of infidelity will put you in an overwhelmingly advantageous position.

  • When I confronted my husband with evidence of his cheating ( Husband Cheating ), he started crying and promised not to do it again.
  • I was able to get the compensation and start a new life.
  • I showed the evidence to the person I was cheating with and took legal action to ensure we never meet again.
  • Because I took action early, I was able to get my partner to break up with his affair partner before things got too complicated.
  • I ended up getting a divorce, but I was able to get compensation and I felt relieved that I no longer had a problem that had been bothering me.
  • I consulted with a detective for free and was relieved to hear that the possibility of infidelity was low.

It is quite difficult to gather solid evidence of infidelity on your own. If you do find out by yourself, you will be more careful in cheating from then on.

To gather evidence of infidelity, it is important to hire a detective agency that specializes in infidelity investigations.

In the case of divorce, this will be accepted as evidence of infidelity in court, making it possible to obtain compensation and custody of children.

Also, suppose a spouse wants to repair their relationship. In that case, they can present the affair partner with evidence and give him or her the choice of either paying compensation or never seeing their husband again, and in many cases the spouse will choose never to see their husband again.

Are there any disadvantages to requesting an infidelity investigation? | Husband Cheating

Before requesting an infidelity investigation, I looked into whether there were any disadvantages.

  • If the fact of infidelity is confirmed, it is a big psychological shock. ⇒ Just because you don’t confirm it doesn’t mean the fact of infidelity disappears. If you have evidence, you can move forward with divorce or reconciliation in your favor.
  • Investigation costs are high ⇒ If the investigation costs are low, you may not be able to obtain evidence. It is better to go to a detective agency that can obtain reliable evidence even if it is a little more expensive.
  • If you hire an agency with no track record, they may submit a report that is not evidence ⇒ Make sure to hire an agency with a track record in infidelity investigations.
  • I want to ask for advice, but I don’t want others to know ⇒ If you just want to ask for advice, you can make an anonymous call or send an anonymous email. Your privacy will be kept strictly confidential.

Benefits of requesting an infidelity investigation

The benefits of requesting a fraud investigation include:

  • You can get a clear answer as to whether your partner is cheating ( Husband Cheating ) or not.
  • If you install wiretapping devices or follow someone on your own, you may be committing illegal acts without knowing it, but if you hire a professional detective, there is no need to worry.
  • You are more likely to get reliable evidence if you hire a detective than if you collect evidence yourself.
  • You can obtain definite evidence of infidelity, which can be used to your advantage in divorce proceedings and child custody cases.
  • Not only do we take evidence, but we also provide thorough aftercare (divorce and restructuring consultations, etc.)

Even if you collect evidence of infidelity yourself, it can be difficult to obtain photographs of the scene that can be accepted as evidence in court.

If you hire a detective agency with a proven track record, you are more likely to obtain evidence, which will be advantageous when getting a divorce or repairing your relationship.

Key points of infidelity investigation by Haraichi Detective Agency

  • You can be assured that you will not be charged any amount other than the estimated amount.
  • We have a track record of conducting numerous infidelity investigations, so there is a high probability of obtaining evidence.
  • We cover the entire country, so we can also investigate cases where your partner is cheating ( Husband Cheating ) while on a business trip.
  • Since multiple experienced investigators work as a team, it is rare for the target to get caught up in being followed.
  • By obtaining solid evidence, you can make progress in your favor, such as by forcing your partner to break up with the cheating partner or getting a divorce.

At Haraichi Detective Agency, we do not immediately start an infidelity investigation, but first listen to the situation during a free consultation , and then investigate after determining whether or not there is infidelity. In some cases, we may determine that there is no infidelity during the free consultation, in which case there is no charge.

Free consultations can be done anonymously and without notice , so there is no need to worry about your personal information being leaked.

Haraichi Detective Agency has 18 locations nationwide, so we can handle investigations nationwide. Initially, the office in your area will handle the case, but if the subject of the investigation moves a long distance, the office will take over the investigation in another area.

For example, if you start out tailing someone in Tokyo, but then they suddenly board a flight to Osaka, you can hand the tail over to a team in the Osaka area.

For example, when a client boards a flight from Tokyo to Osaka, it is not possible to get a ticket immediately, so only a detective agency that can take over in this way can handle the situation.

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