What Are The Types Of Government Land?

What are the types of government land: There are many types of land around us. The Revenue Department uses the code to show this land in Bhulekh and Bhu Naksha. Maybe that’s why most of the people do not know what are the types of government land or land? Different classifications have been made according to its use and revenue.

What Are The Types Of Government Land

We use the land for agriculture, roads, etc. Therefore, the classification of land has been done according to the use. Similarly, the types of land have been decided by the Revenue Department. Which uses a special code to show it in land records and land maps. Below we have explained the information of both of them in detail. You read it carefully.

What Are The Types Of Government Land

Its classification according to land use is as follows –

  • Forest land
  • barren and uncultivable land,
  • land used for non-agricultural use,
  • arable land
  • permanent pasture and pastoral,
  • land under trees and shrubs,
  • current fallow,
  • other fallow,
  • net sown area, and
  • Area sown more than once.
  • community area land
  • road land
  • religious trust land

Revenue department wise land type list

The revenue department shows the type of land in the land records and land maps. What it means, you can check it in the table below. You can also check the information mentioned here on the upbhulekh.gov.in web portal.

land typeLand Type Description
1.Such land, in which the government or the village council or other local authority, which was approved by the U.P.J.V.
1-a.Land which is in the possession of transferable bhumidhars.
1-b.Such land which is held by persons under the Government Grant Act.
2.Land which is non-transferrable.
3.Land which is in the possession or possession of the Assamese.
4.Land which is in the possession of the occupiers without any proceeds if the name of any person is not already recorded in column 4 of the measles.
4-a.UP Additional land acquired under the ceiling of maximum holding.
4-a(b)other land
5-1Cultivable land – new fallow
5-2Cultivable Land – Old Falli (Partikadim)
5-3-aCultivable barren – Timber forests.
5-3-BCultivable barren – such forests in which there are other types of trees, shrubs, bushes, etc.
5-3-cCultivable barren – permanent livestock lands and other grazing lands.
5-3-dCultivable barren – Grass to cover thatched and bamboo cells.
5-a (a)Forest land on which & other traditional forest dwellers Act. Forest rights have been given under 2006 – for agriculture
6-1Non-agricultural land – submerged land.
6-2Non-agricultural land – Lands, roads, railways, buildings and such other lands which are used for non-agricultural uses.
6-3Cemeteries and crematoriums (marghat), excluding graveyards and crematoriums located in the land or populated area of ​​the account holders.
6-4which is uncultivated for other reasons.
9Land which is in the possession or possession of the Assamese.

Also Read:- How to get farm number online in UP

Complete information about the Types of Government Land is given here. Now any person will be able to understand the type of land according to use and revenue. If you have any other question related to this then you can ask in the comment box below.